Explore Church is excited that they will be hosting a mission to Frankfurt, Germany June 17th to the 26th. We will be serving with the IMB (International Mission Board) as we work alongside church planters, refugees, and the missionaries there to reach Frankfurt, Germany. Frankfurt is a very wealthy city and the thirteenth wealthiest in the world. It is home to over 750,000 people from fifty different nationalities, with German citizens actually being a minority. There is a strong Lutheran population of about 19%.  Unfortunately the German Lutheran churches no longer preach the gospel as a truth, but as a good moral story. It has been estimated that true, born-again believers are only  0.2%. We will have the opportunity to work with many different denominations that are trying to bring the gospel to Frankfurt.

We will  strive to make a positive impact in diverse communities. This event unfolds across three distinct pillars, each with its own set of objectives and activities. 

The first segment focuses on engaging with Afghan refugees (Days 1-3), fostering relationships, and providing practical support. Volunteers will actively participate in cultural exchange sessions, offer assistance, and address specific needs identified in collaboration with local missionaries who are reaching out to Afghan refugees. 

Days 4-6, we shift our focus to community engagement with a German church plant. Volunteers will be part of sports events, community service projects, and/or outreach initiatives, actively contributing to building connections within the local community. 

The final leg of the journey (Days 7-10) centers around a rejuvenating retreat designed to support missionaries and local partners. Volunteers will play a vital role in organizing restorative activities, providing childcare support, and facilitating team-building sessions. 

Be a part of creating lasting impacts and join us in making a meaningful difference!


Will you Partner with us?
Our greatest need is prayer

Currently we have eleven people registered for this trip. Frankfurt is a spiritually dark place. Will you please pray for the following:

That God will give us wisdom, insight and boldness to share the Gospel. 

That our hearts will be open to  what God is wanting to do in and through us. 

For protection and team unity.

For financial provision for our team.


Financial Support

If you feel led to partner financially with one of our team members you can give online or by mail. Please make checks payable to Explore church and Germany Missions on the memo line (do not include the team member's name on the check).

If you wish to give online you can click on the link below, then click on Missions Donation. Please  email infoexplorechurch@gmail.com to let us know which team member you wish to support. Thank you for your generosity!

Support Here